Oak Tree Devanning (Oak Tree) is part of the Pathway Charitable Trust Group. The Trust runs a group of companies and programmes that generate income and provide employment, housing, and support. Oak Tree provides devanning services (unpacking products from shipping containers) and employs ex-offenders to do this work. The Trust runs a programme to support employees back into employment.
To retain their employment, employees are required to consistently turn up for work and perform well. However, the work is structured so that it is flexible, anticipating the inevitable challenges associated with re-entering the workforce. Supervisors provide a high level of accountability and support to help employees get to work and continue their employment. Over time, employees build new confidence, new skills, and a work history, enabling them to progress internally at Oak Tree or move on to employment elsewhere.
“If I didn’t have their support, I would be in jail”
– Oak Tree Devanning employee
Income is generated by selling commercial seating and furniture through the Trust’s commercial entities, Alloyfold and Effuzi. The profit from these companies is fed into providing support for the social services that the Trust delivers. Oak Tree operates on the cusp between social services and social enterprise using trading income from their devanning services. Alongside the employment provided at Oak Tree, the Trust runs a programme to support people back into employment.

People coming out of prison experience the mental and physical health benefits and sense of agency that real employment can bring and receive tailored support to make their transition successful. They develop new skills, grow a better understanding of self and identity within the team, and are supported to make positive lifestyle changes. The certainty of long-term employment means they have financial stability and maintain improvements in their mental and physical health.
“Once they have a job, you can see them grow in confidence. That’s something I’ll never get tired of seeing”
– Rob, employer of Pathway clients
In 2019, Oak Tree hired 208 people: of these 39 were previously receiving a government benefit and 69 had barriers to employment. Approximately 80% were former prisoners. A 2015 academic study of the programme found that people involved with the Pathway programme are 33.3% less likely to be reconvicted and 42.9% are less likely to be re-imprisoned. These findings are backed up by government research.
An Office of the Auditor General Report found that “offenders who find stable employment after leaving prison are less likely to reoffend in the 12 months after their release.” In addition, a Department of Corrections report found that work programmes had a significant statistical reduction in reoffending and were one of the most effective approaches. The annual cost for a sentenced prisoner (including programmes and interventions provided in prison) is $123,370 per annum.
This approach highlights the significant potential savings for the Government in relation to a reduction in reoffending.